Thursday, May 24, 2007

Meeting TV Actors

I am including a post from a famous SUPERMAN fan, "Jim", from my Yahoo group "The Adventures Of George Reeves" here, I hope that Jim does not mind:

In a message dated 05/24/2007 12:51:27 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, "Jim" writes:
I met Claude Akins many years ago while I was publishing "The
Adventures Continue" magazine. When I asked for a snapshot
opportunity, he graciously obliged. But I was so disappointed when
the flash didn't work. Instead of dismissing it, Akins said, "Well
then, Jim, let's go outside for the photo." He was busy, yet he took
the time for me to get that photo. How different he was from some
other celebrities who said, "Sure... you can snap a photo... for 20

When I got to meet Adam West, so this is _almost_ on topic, I had to pay $25.00, and this was back in 1987, so that seemed like a giant amount of money to me then, now it would be considered "cheap".
A person in line about fifteen heads in front of me complained bitterly to Adam about the expense, and Adam responded "Well, talk to my agent, he (she? i don't recall) can't get me these gigs unless we charge that amount and share the proceeds with the venue". Anyway, the person apologized for complaining, paid the money, and the line moved on.
I had my TV GUIDE with Adam as BATMAN on the cover for him to sign, which he did, and he told me he was only supposed to sign the printed sheets he had with him, he enjoyed seeing that someone had this old TV GUIDE ready for his autograph.
I did not tell Adam that I had lost my original copy years before, and had bought this one earlier that year, for, guess what, $25.00!!!
One point of interest is that I told Adam I was a big "Batfan" and loved his 20th CENTURY FOX series, but also that I loved him in THE DETECTIVES. I was only 30 at the time, and Adam did not believe that I was old enough to have ever seen that show, but I replied that I had seen the program on "5 ALL NIGHT", which ran on Boston's WCVB Channel 5, in the mid-1970's. 5 ALL NIGHT was the first after midnight, or 1:00 a.m., maybe, broadcast in my city, that ran from that time right through 5:00.
The station ran classic movies, THE PRISONER, MEDIC, with Richard Boone (another favorite of mine), THE ROGUES (who recalls that one? a great show about a "family" of con-artists), and other programs.
The much missed TV host of the program was "Weird Electric Uncle George", who sat in shadows, wearing a cowboy hat, and talked to the audience on camera, with his magnificent smooth as silk voice, and was really like a friend.
George Fennell, the on camera "Uncle George" got fired for playing bits of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA when it was to early to show them, that is when ABC told the affiliates to wait until August to do so, back in, I guess, 1978. I miss good old George, last I knew he was an announcer on a local "beautiful music" radio station.
Anyway, I still have that TV GUIDE with Adam's signature!!!
Holy Reminiscences!!!

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