Monday, May 14, 2007

STELLA DALLAS for Mother's Day!!!

What a way to spend the evening, after Mother's Day!!!
I had not seen all of Barbara Stanwyck's movies, but had seen many, except that this was one of the big ones that I had missed, so I watched the TCM airing of STELLA DALLAS last night, following a nice afternnon with my Mum, and my better half, Susan.
I cry from movies very easily, this one _really_ got me almost blubbering.
Anne Shir;ey is so adorable, and what the Stanwyck character did for the Shirley character is unbelievable!!!
Taken out of context I do not care for her actions, and how it affects her daughter's life,but, within the framework of the story, wow, it is amazing.
A beautifully acted film that gor four Oscar noms. too bad it was not a winner, as far as AMPAS was concerned!!!

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